Almost done with treatment....   |   Thursday, April 26, 2012

Elijah is a typical 9 year old...who just underwent 2 years of treatment for Leukemia... with another year and 5 months to go. Imagine how active 9 year old little boys SHOULD be. Think video games, playing army and skateboard outdoors. Building forts and snowball fights. He spent a lot of his last 2 years isolated from friends and activites, due to his compromised immune system. He lost his thick blonde hair and was sick and tired. But, with only a year and a half to go... he's coming back. His hair has come back and he looks to be like any other 9 year old little boy, full of life! Mom says, "This experience brings you all closer and reminds us how fragile we are and how much we all love each other. None of us have any guarantees in this life, so we often remind people to take time to go on vacation or take a day off work and enjoy the moment." It could all change tomorrow. Diagnosed with Leukemia in July 2010 after having a recurrent fever. Taken to the local Emergency Department, Elijah was diagnosed a couple days later after a bone marrow biopsy. Mom also shares, "Never loose hope... there is always hope. Make sure you have a good support system and talk with other parents or friends to get your feelings out." This looks like one happy family now that Leukemia is pretty much a thing of the past! Way to go Elijah!!

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Just when you think you've got it beat....   |   Saturday, April 21, 2012

Marcella has heard a Doctor say those dreaded words, "cancer" THREE times now. After a routine mammogram, she was originally diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer in 2009. Enduring surgery and chemotherapy, she felt like she was in the clear, but not so. Just about a year later in 2010, cancer was found in the remaining breast. Again, going through surgery and more chemotherapy, she felt for sure she was going to beat this! But, just when she began to feel comfortable that the cancer was finally gone, more was found in her chest wall this spring. Currently, dealing with more chemotherapy and the prospect of upcoming surgery in May to remove much of the chest wall, she remains positive. But Marcella knows what it's like to fight. Fleeing an abusive relationship as a young mother, she left with the three kids and has managed to raise them all alone, fighting for every opportunity for them and herself.
"I fight and do what I need to do."
Marcella doesn't have much choice. She's 50 years old and is now raising 3 grandchildren AND works full time. She says she has to STAY STRONG. Having lost her sister to breast cancer in 1993, she is confident that she'll beat the cancer. "I have a good support system", she says. She also wants other women to "be their own advocate" when it comes to treatment and making your needs known. "You've got to continue your life.... cancer's not going to take over my life. I'm going to win." She really enjoyed her photo session and especially the make-up application at Douglas J. "They even put falsh eyelashes on me! Mine are gone."

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