Monday, July 23, 2012
Charlie is a bright, friendly and utterly charming little 4 year old with a "monster" that lives in his little head.... a terminal brain tumor...Diagnosed with “diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma” or "DIPG”, Charlie was initially treated with radiation and steroids, but to no avail. This is a tumor that WILL take his life and sooner, rather than later.
"Right now, Charlie is in the ironically named "honeymoon period" of his disease. Like any normal 4-year old, he is bright, cheerful and full of life and love. All that is noticeable is a motor impairment in his speech ability, even though he talks non-stop and his cognition is above average. Already he has beaten the odds of a predicted nine month survival after his radiation and steroid treatment last year, but the tumor still lurks, unreachable, inoperable and fated to grow again at some unknown date.
Treatment possibilities have been explored, some tried. The focus now is on providing the best and happiest quality of life in the time remaining.
The disease is cruel, not merely terminal, but one where the sufferer often retains full cognitive awareness when motor functions fail in the final period."
In grappling with the horror, John and Abigail are determined that more help should be available for other families who face such a situation in the future. As a partial, but needed, distraction from the painful reality of the present they have put their efforts into fulfilling the cause of forming a foundation dedicated to families going through this horrible nightmare. Read more
HERE about their foundation and the quest to conquer this disease and help families cope with this devastating diagnosis.
I ask myself daily.... why do people have to go through this? Why does this happen? What can I do to help?
What do you ask? How are you affected? Think about being handed something like this... what would you do?
If you dare, please take some time to read Charlie's Mom's journal and the letters she's writing to Charlie as they move through this nightmare of impending death. They are touching, heartbreaking and moving... click
HERE to visit Abigail's Journal.
Labels: brain tumor, cancer, cancer in kids, childhood cancer, childhood diseases, Oldham Kids, Terri Shaver, The Oldham Project
Loss is so difficult to deal with....
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
In the past few weeks, Oldham has experienced loss again. Two of our Bold and Beautiful women have lost their courageous battles with cancer. Again, cancer has taken loved ones from families, mothers from children and wives from husbands.
Sabrina Maddox was photographed during our inaugural launch of Be Bold, Feel Beautiful in 2010. Sabrina had a great faith and thought all along that she'd beat this cancer. Initially diagnosed with breast cancer, it eventually spread throughout her body till she passed last week at the age of 49 years old. MUCH too young to be taken by such a vicious disease. Keeping the severity of her illness and the progression of the disease from her family, she lived 'doing things her way' till she was too ill, with doctors telling the family she had approx 3 months remaining, she succumbed much sooner at just two weeks. Please keep her family in your thoughts... they are understandable angry that she was taken so quickly and so young.

We received word also that Robin Muns, age 52 of Williamston passed as well. Again, part of our 2010 group of Bold women, she also was originally diagnosed with breast cancer back in 2003 and finally succumbed to metastatic cancer in her bones and brain. Her husband Jim says, "she was always Bold, even before being photographed... she never felt funny going out bald. She was always like that."
Her daughter Amanda sent me a story about Robins journey and I think it important to share... a true 'picture' of a detertmined woman and her journey to eternal life.

"In April of 2003 Robin found out she was expecting her second and third grandchildren. In the coming months she was diagnosed with breast cancer, underwent chemo and radiation and found out the she could expect two little girls within days of each other. Her determination was endless. She not only wanted to meet them, but she wanted to make memories with them for many years to come. She met both of them and spent the next 5 years cancer free.
While expecting her 4th grandchild she became sick again. The cancer was back and in the same location as the first occurrence, so radiation was not an option. A double mastectomy and chemo therapy began immediately. Robin always took everything in stride. She used her mastectomy as an opportunity to make people laugh. It seems strange, but Robin didn’t want friend or family to feel strange or sad for her. She offered her experience and even a glimpse of her scars if someone asked. Her granddaughters freely played with her prosthetic breasts, putting them under their shirts and giggling at each other in the mirror. A lucky few donned her with beads after a flashing or two. Robin gave more to others than she ever expected to receive in return. She excitedly welcomed her 4th granddaughter in October 2008.

In September 2010 Robin received a terminal diagnosis and was given less than 6 months. She decided to live out the rest of her months without treatment and with more quality than quantity. She didn’t want to be slowed by aggressive chemotherapy or endless trips to the office. The cancer had spread everywhere, but her heart and it was evident. Robin refused to feel sorry for herself. Within a week Robin’s plan had changed drastically. She had met the Dr Rapson and her staff at Red Cedar Oncology and was ready to fight back. She agreed to take on aggressive brain radiation and follow it with specialized chemo therapy treatment virtually free of the usual side effects and far fewer visits to the office. During that week she also learned she would be welcoming her 5th grandchild.
Robin had a very special place in Beulah, MI called Primrose Path. Her final wish in October 2010 was to make one last trip there. The entire family loaded up and took off for a long weekend. The weather cold and rainy and unlike any other trip they had taken there. Robin was determined this WOULD NOT be her last trip there. She promised her daughter they would be spending the next summer there. She would not accept that so many things were being taken from her. Robin kept that promise and Summer 2011 was the best summer in history of Primrose Path! She even welcomed her 5th granddaughter on Mother’s Day 2011.
After a break from chemotherapy and summer came to an end the cancer began to spread and it became evident there was not much more anyone could do. She was given a few months, but no one was optimistic about how those months would be spent… except Robin. She continued to astonish her Dr.s with her attitude and overall health. Yes you guessed it, she was expecting another grandchild and was determined to make it. In February 2012 Robin welcomed her 6th granddaughter.
Robin believed each one of her grandchildren were gifts from God. Signs there was more for her to accomplish here on earth. More special than anyone could have ever imagined. They were her will to keep fighting. She wasn’t satisfied with simply meeting them. She wanted to be healthy enough to hold, rock and kiss them. She wanted to know them and give them memories to live on. She often said, “If these girls keep having babies I am going to live forever!” Robin did exactly what she had set her mind to. Even the youngest baby had a special connection to her. As she grew ill the baby would lay content for hours just staring and listening to Robin talk. Those moments lasted until the third week of May, nearly a week after her oldest granddaughter turned 16, another must see for Robin. She slipped from the hands of her family and into Gods."
Labels: #bebold, bald woman, bald women, Be Bold Feel Beautiful, breast cancer, breast cancer awareness, cancer, Non-profit, susan g. komen, Susan G. Komen Mid-Michigan, Terri Shaver, The Oldham Project
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