"It was an out of body experience...."
Friday, January 4, 2013
Ginny R. was a healthy, active person, with absolutely no family history of serious illness....let alone cancer.

In February of 2012, after feeling fatigued all the time and 'just not feeling like myself'... she sought medical attention and was diagnosed with Stage 4, non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. A PET scan revealing that her entire torso was filled with cancerous tumors and that she'd probably had it for over a year, before it was discovered. The tumors not only filled her torso, but surrounded her heart requiring hospitalization in the CCU.
At age 57, it was a staggering blow, "it was like an out of body experience. As they were telling me, I kept thinking they must be talking about someone else."
She's constantly surrounded by her 5 sisters, who are helping her with everything. "I didn't have to worry about anything, my sisters took care of everything." Married for 39 years, she's learned that she's 'tougher than I thought' and "I'm not ready to go... I have a lot more things I want to do with my life."

Ginny shares, that 'every day is precious. Some days are rough days, but tomorrow is always better."
In talking about her Oldham experience, she says....
pampered at Douglas J and my photo session today was emotional and amazing.
Thank you for making me feel special, I will always treasure this experience."
Labels: #bebold, bald woman, bald women, Be Bold Feel Beautiful, cancer in women, Douglas J, Douglas J Institute, Hodgkins Lymphoma, non-hodgkins lymphoma, Terri Shaver, The Oldham Project
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