Relying on God's promises....   |   Thursday, November 8, 2012

Dorcas G., a gorgeous 49 year old woman, walks through the 'valley of the shadow of death', saying she relies on God's promises and "it's only a shadow."

Diagnosed with Breast Cancer this past March, she was shocked. No family history, originally thought to be benign.... was eventually found to be a rare, aggressive form of cancer, requiring surgical removal of all the cancer and potential cancer areas. But, she felt God was in control and felt complete peace.

"I've always been a runner, having completed 2 marathons, so I was healthy going into this... and I wanted to do it with dignity. I wasn't going to hide myself and I use comedy and humor. Sometimes people don't know how to deal with me!"

Mother to 4 children, she and her husband Manny want to set an example for them of unending devotion, faith and courage. She openly shares her strong faith in God, her involvement in her church and the support from her church family. "God gives me strength, far beyond what I think I might have."

"My children are more comfortable now with the cancer and showing them that I'm confident that I can go the distance with ANYTHING, is important to us. I have more compassion and I sure don't sweat the small stuff!"

She wants other women to know that " cancer will try to strip you of your dignity, but if you keep it in the light, it can't hurt you!"

Obviously a very strong, confident and faith-filled woman, Dorcas makes cancer look 'small' and insignificant in the grand scheme of things in her life. With the strength she gets from her faith in God and her family, I believe that she will conquer not only cancer, but anything else that has the audacity to step in her way! On a recent family trip to Boyne Mountain, during her chemo and treatment, she actually climbed Boyne Mountain to signify the 'half-way' point in her treatment... "God gives me strength to do anything."

Recently spotted on a north Lansing billboard promotion, she says she got quite a bit of attention from family, friends and her students!

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