Fighting cancer....literally.
Thursday, July 29, 2010

We've now either scheduled or already photographed over 20 women for this project! I couldn't be happier! As the word spreads, more and more individuals and businesses are getting involved. If you'd like to participate in any way, please contact me at the email below.
Karen B. is battling cancer....literally. Her weapons are many... her positive outlook, her desire to stay active and her love of golf.
When she was diagnosed, she was determined to stay active and continue to golf on her golf league. She got herself some pink golf balls, "for breast cancer" and took her clubs; along with her dynamic and cheerful personality and in a physical way, fought the effects of cancer and chemotherapy. She says, "I didn't always feel the best, but I was going to continue to golf." She wasn't going to let cancer defeat her, define her or limit her. "When I was told, it was scary. But I don't feel sorry for myself. My prognosis is good and it's all about attitude." She is a tiny, fireball of energy and is fighting with what she knows best... staying active and remaining positive. It truly is all about attitude!
Labels: bald woman, bald women, Be Bold Feel Beautiful, breast cancer, breast cancer awareness, The Oldham Project
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