"Saying goodbye..."   |   Friday, September 10, 2010

Today, we'll say a final good-bye to my lovely friend Holly Martin at a Memorial Service at 10am, here in Lansing. If you haven't been following, or read back far enough through the blog, Holly introduced me to our very first Bold, Brave and Beautiful woman, Denise Acker. Holly and I had been friends for years, since she married my husbands' boss, 10 years ago... Holly and Greg moved to Iowa and then to Minnesota, where she passed away gardening.... the very SAME day that Denise passed away....just hours apart.
I spoke with Holly within a couple hours of her dying. We talked about Denise and how she was now at peace and out of pain... AND how life was such a treasure and that we needed to cherish it. And then, she was gone too. How ironic. I still can't get my head around it. I still keep a voice mail from her on my phone and wear a necklace that she gave me when I photograph these amazing women. Funny, how life can send us a curve ball....

Harriet (Holly) Hunting Martin, age 48. Died August 13, 2010, leaving behind her husband of 10 years, Greg Martin and daughter, Sydney, age 8.

Friends, live is brief and time is a thief. It's my mantra, I live by it every day. I try to get the most from each and every day. I strive to make the most of every bit of time I get with my husband, my children and my family. I try not to take any of them for granted, nor treat any of those moments carelessly. I don't assume anything. Don't live life, just going through the motions. Loves and friendships aren't to be taken frivolously. Invest in your family and friends. Treat them as the treasures they are.... it could all change in a heartbeat. We are all just one phone call from our knees.

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Anonymous Carol, Song of Joy said...

Beautifully said, Terri. I would only add: invest in all those whom you meet even beyond family and friends. All God's creatures are there to be cherished, respected and loved. Just as you are doing with this wonderful project. Thank you for your sharings!

September 10, 2010 at 8:21 AM  
Anonymous Carol, Song of Joy said...

Oh, I forgot. I send my sympathy to you and all of Holly's family and friends. How very sad, ironic and what a loss to the world! May blessing come even amidst all the pain. You are in my prayers today.

September 10, 2010 at 8:31 AM  
Blogger Janet said...

I thought Holly's service today was lovely - a beautiful tribute to who she was and who she will forever remain. This is a lovely project you have going - the photography is beautiful.

September 10, 2010 at 5:16 PM  
Anonymous Tracy Johnson said...

Let us keep Holly's legacy alive. It was a lovely service today. Love you Holly, and we will play it forward.

September 10, 2010 at 6:22 PM  
Blogger mortgagewitch said...

I wish someone would have mentioned where the service was going to be.I didn't find out Holly had passed away until we got back from Canada.I'm still in shock.This is a beautiful way to remember her..what a lovely idea you had when you put this together for all the women who are dealing with cancer.Together is always stronger.

September 13, 2010 at 5:12 PM  
Anonymous Sydney Martin said...

I have so many sad feelings each day when i think about my mother holly. I went to the service with my dad in 2010 and it was beautiful.

June 17, 2012 at 7:56 AM  

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