Big Announcement!! Launching new program!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
As we begin to wind down the Be Bold, Feel Beautiful campaign for this year... I began to have a conversation with a couple of our Board members and my family about what they felt we should be doing next with The Oldham Project... little did I know that our answer would come so quickly!
I actually had prayed one morning about what God would have us do.... then, that very day, I got a call from a woman who saw the article in NOISE magazine about Bold and Beautiful. She said, "I know that you're photographing women with cancer and bald heads, but I have an 8 year old with a brain tumor and I'd love to have her photographed. Is that possible?"
Well, I took that as the affirmation of what we were supposed to do next! And, I'm pleased to announce that in April 2011, we will launch our first annual "Kourageous Kids" program. If you know of any children that we might be able to photograph before then, we'll need some images to develop our marketing materials for this program. Please refer them to us using our contact information below!
And lastly today, I'm thrilled to announce that three of our beauties are currently up on a billboard in South Lansing. Adams Outdoor has generously donated space on the digital board at S. Cedar and 496. Congratulations to Heather A., Sally N. and Elizabeth T. who are now 50 feet tall, looking very Bold and Beautiful!! In the weeks to come, as space becomes available, we will have more women appear on boards at Pennsylvania and 496 and the Frandor digital board!! Thank you Adams Outdoor and Jason V. who has been working with us. Brandon J. is an amazing designer and did a fabulous job with the layout!
I'll be back tomorrow with more Bold and Beautiful women! We still have over a dozen to feature!!
Labels: bald woman, bald women, Be Bold Feel Beautiful, breast cancer, breast cancer awareness, Non-profit, Terri Shaver, The Oldham Project
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