These kids need your help!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Oldham Project is launching our specialty program for children undergoing treatment for cancer or other life threatening illnesses, called Kourageous Kids! We are putting together goodie bags to give each child that comes into the studio to be photographed. We've had marvelous, re-usable shopping bags donated and printed by our friends at Slick Shirts. We're having Kourageous Kids t-shirts made for each child and want to fill these bags with all sorts of "kid" related items.
We would like you to consider organizing a 'drive' at your workplace. This wouldn't take a lot of work, but would bring great benefit to these sick children. We have already received tons of coloring books and crayons to insert in each bag, but we'd like lots of the following items. Perhaps you might organize departments at your workplace to compete to see who could bring the most items! Make it fun and creative, while helping us to give more to these children and make their day a bit brighter!
UNO card games
Skip-Bo card games
Plain decks of cards
Bottles of bubbles
Hand held games
Smaller board/card games
Gift certificates for free ice cream cones/candy/ etc.
We would need at least 75 of each item. Please consider how you might partner with us to make this happen in the next couple weeks. We'll be happy to come and pick them up and provide brochures and posters for you to use to advertise your 'drive.' Please call me if you have questions, to "claim" your drive item or to let me know of an alternate item(s) you've thought of! We'd like to collect all items by June 15th. We know it's difficult in these tough economic times for businesses to donate a lot of money, but this is a way to mobilize all the people in your business to 'donate' just a little, that can make such a big impact!
Your generosity will make a child's day. Most of these kids are part of a family who is struggling with daunting medical bills and is unable to provide even the simplest entertainment for these children. Help us brighten their day!
I look forward to hearing from you soon!!
Labels: cancer, childhood cancer, Kourageous Kids, Terri Shaver, The Oldham Project
"Go with your gut..."
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Have you ever had one of those feelings... that you just knew was something to act on? The kind that make the small hairs on your neck stand up and prickle? I remember as a small child, playing at the neighbors house and my Mom came flying down the street, screaming, "Where is your little brother?".... at that moment, she found him about to be hung by the neck, as two other children were playing cowboys, and hanging the bad guy. My mother acted on one of those gut feelings, and thankfully so. My brother is now 51 years old.
Amy acted on one of those gut feelings too. She just knew something wasn't right. She'd found a small lump and knew. Even though the mammogram and ultrasound weren't totally definitive, her gut told her differently. She was persistent and sure enough, a small, Stage 1, estrogen +, non- aggressive cancer was found. She stuck with that gut feeling and made things happen. She was diagnosed on a Tuesday and had surgery on Friday of the same week!
Though she says, " You have to surrender to the process.... you do what you have to do, to get through it." She's a STRONG woman, who knew her body and acted on instinct. "I was terrified, but you have to trust your gut."
Her 8 year old son Willie, is her rock. He's at her side much of the time and he's quite a little 'man'.
She encourages all women to 'know your body' and be sensitive to that instinct that's built inside us as women. Sometimes we know more than can be seen with the eye.
Labels: bald woman, bald women, Be Bold Feel Beautiful, breast cancer, breast cancer awareness, Terri Shaver, The Oldham Project
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