Her little men convinced her to do this....   |   Monday, September 24, 2012

Diagnosed with Stage 2-3 Breast Cancer in December of 2011, Vickie never knew the turns her life would take...

Finding her own lump, she sought medical attention and was quickly diagnosed, with the breast cancer, but also 2 positive nodes, requiring not only chemotherapy, but radiation. Having her sister and both parents deceased from cancer, her confidence wavered. As a single mom, this diagnosis forced her to rely on the two 'little men' in her life, sons, Noah and Peter. And what a help they are!

Having surgery to remove the cancer and her breast, just two days after her wedding, her 'new' life took some serious turns, but her husband is very supportive as well as these little guys in her life, helping her struggle through the twists and turns of cancer and it's treatment. Sitting down, having "an honest conversation" with the boys, Vickie says, "we came up with some things to involve the boys... we made a paper chain to designate the days of chemo, taking down one with each treatment" so they could visually SEE how much longer Mom would be sick.

Her older 19 year old son created a 'play list' for her iPod, songs that mean so much to her and she listened to during the difficult and lengthy chemo treatments. "Cancer puts things into perspective. I don't sweat the small stuff."

As she teared up several times during her photo session, these 'little men' who strongly encouraged her to come and have these portraits done, soothed and comforted her as the tears flowed. They certainly touched my heart. "Take the opportunities God gives you- God always has a plan."- Vickie S.

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They've become our friends...   |   Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Colleen is in a battle again....

The most difficult part of this job is seeing 'repeat' clients.... meaning, that they've been photographed in the midst of their illness previously, had a recovery and are now in the middle of a battle with cancer, AGAIN. It's the most difficult phone call to receive as a photographer. But, a warrior she is!!

There isn't a way to describe the feeling between these two people. They just emanate love, commitment and a bond of shared courage. Scott and Colleen have come to our studio twice now, both times fighting a hidden war. As we become part of their lives, our clients become our friends. We follow each other on Facebook and care about each other's lives. This one is extremely difficult....
Ovarian cancer is a silent devil, preying on women who are totally unaware of the destruction inside their bodies. In 2012, about 22,280 women will receive a new diagnosis of ovarian cancer and about 15, 500 will die from it. Colleen was originally diagnosed in November of 2009 and has been cancer free till this spring, when it reared it ugly head again. "I knew something wasn't right... and I've lived in fear, waiting for it to come back." Colleen isn't letting this get the better of her... she's the most positive, courageous woman and she'll fight and win this again. She's got a good reason. This past year, she welcomed her first grandson, Hudson and he's the light of her world! 
She says she's learning more tolerance and to take one day at a time, staying strong. Doctors are working diligently to find the 'right combination' of chemotherapy to fight this devil... "I'm going to have to learn to trust again. I'm not sure I'll ever believe 'cured' again." But, I know Colleen and her husband and TOGETHER they will overcome, being stronger and more committed to each other on the other side of this battle. Whether it's 'cured' or not, their love will survive anything.

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"We have a LOT of hope...."   |   Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Imagine being 21 years old, feeling sick... for a long time.... night sweats, strange rashes, tired all the time, short of breath.... and being treated for two years for 'chest pain.' How frustrating would that be? Not feeling like you can have a life, cause you feel so crappy?

THEN, being told you have Stage 3, Hodgkins Lymphoma.... We're sorry, "You have cancer."

Mom says, "We were terrified. She'd been treated for two years for various ailments, never even looking for cancer." Now they were facing Stage 3 cancer, with almost her entire torso filled with tumors.

Starting chemo this past spring, Hannah underwent treatments every two weeks...enduring many reactions to the various chemo and anti-nausea drugs, her mother watching helplessly at her side. "It's hard to watch her go through this, but she's got such a positive attitude... she even makes fun of it."

Her self-deprecating humor was evident during her portrait session. Her inner beauty exceeds her outward beauty. "It's not part of my nature to get down and stay down. But when I lost my hair, it was scary.... then it became 'real', then I LOOKED sick and like I had cancer." Her family rallied to her side with her brother and brother-in-law both shaving their heads to match Hannah's!

"We have hope that this is a temporary thing- I have no fear that I won't make it through this. We have a LOT of hope."

Her words to others going through the same trials.... "lean on your faith and take one hour at a time, then one day at a time.... set short milestones for yourself." I suspect that it's more of that gorgeous smile, her positive and humorous attitude and inner strength that gets this young woman through each day....

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