"Keep encouraging yourself...."
Friday, February 18, 2011

Belinda feels spoiled and isn't even close to having a pity party! Finding her own breast lump and seeking treatment immediately, she was diagnosed with Stage 1 breast cancer in July 2010. Her positive attitude is very contagious and everyone around her feels it too. I saw such a 'peace' in her face as we working together to create these beautiful images! She attributes it to Christ and His family, who have rallied around her to spoil her with cards, flowers and phone calls, filled with love and encouragement. Although, I suspect, it's she who is doing the encouraging.
Working with special needs children in schools, she knows about struggles and perserverance. But, she emphatically states, "You may get discouraging reports, but if your attitude is positive, it will make all the difference." She also says, "I was scared of chemo and how it would feel, but Christ is bigger than any opposition."
She finds strentgh in daily Bible reading, her family and prayers. "Keep encouraging yourself", if necessary. When she found she was loosing her confidence due to physical changes from the chemo, she started reminding herself, that even if she didn't feel beautiful, others around her did. Yes, Belinda, you are beautiful and strong and I'm confident that this trial is just a bump in the road for you!
Labels: bald woman, bald women, Be Bold Feel Beautiful, breast cancer, breast cancer awareness, Terri Shaver, The Oldham Project
Kourageous Kids starts early...
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Although, we don't "officially" launch our Kourageous Kids program till April 1st, we're being called by parents all over the greater Lansing area, desiring to have their sick children photographed. What would make a parent want such a portrait of their sick baby? Why would they want to do this and particiapate? I'm sure you're asking yourself. Maybe they can't even articulate what it is themselves, but the calls are coming, nonetheless.
I'd like to introduce you to Josiah... a bright, fun loving 8 1/2 year old (make sure you don't miss the 1/2!), diagnosed with Leukemia on December 29th, 2009. Sick for most of the fall, his parents suspect that the Leukemia was there for much longer than diagnosed. Sometimes hindsight can be more than 20/20. A parent knows when something isn't right, and his parents were right... Josiah spent 97 days of 2010 hospitalized and undergoing treatment for his cancer. He's a fiesty little guy with quite an attitude, but the wisdom of a much older man comes through his eyes in his portraits. He's been forced to accept and deal with more than some men approaching the end of their lives.
In our attempt to portray these children with the important things in their lives, Josiah chose to bring his new skateboard. He aspires to be a big-time skateboarder and we had a fun time with the name on the board. Given to him by his uncle, I teased him about his uncle's name being, Daryl.. and was able to elicit some very fun expressions with the name Daryl.
Josiah continues to battle for his life, currently fighting an infection and illness due to the compromised state of his little body.
Please keep him in your prayers.
These children and their parents deserve a break from treatments and tests.... these sessions are intended to create an atmosphere of fun, laughter and joy for the child. A fantasy. Whether their dream is to be a skateboarder, a fireman or a princess, we will strive to make it a joyous time, that will also document this time in this families life, that will live in a portrait for generations to come and all free of charge. Please remember to keep us in mind, should you find someone cross your path with a sick child, spouse or other family member. We continue to photograph women undergoing treatment for cancer as well, providing for them an opportunity to feel beautiful and special, despite what the mirror might say.
Labels: The Oldham Project
Great Sorrow...
Friday, February 11, 2011

With great sorrow and sadness, I bring news of another loss for our community. A fourth of our Be Bold, Feel Beautiful women has entered heaven after fighting an amazing and long battle with cancer.
Kathleen Campbell, age 54, died Wednesday morning after battling cancer since 2002. First diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, she continued her passion for dance and dealt with much pain.. but danced anyway. More recently diagnosed with uterine cancer, she was hospitalized late in January and died 11 days later.
Born December 20, 1956 and died February 9, 2011, she leaves behind 3 sons that she's raised as a single parent for most of her adult life. She underwent a lengthy treatment on January 13th, in order to gain the strength she needed to attend our Oldham Gala... which she attended with her mother. She had a wonderful time and enjoyed the other Bold and Beautiful women she was seated with! I personally am thankful that she participated in our program and was able to enjoy the time of "celebrity". I know that her family will be able to enjoy these beautiful images of her for generations to come.
May you now rest in peace Kathleen... You are finally done fighting. Your courage inspires those of us still fighting.
Labels: bald woman, bald women, Be Bold Feel Beautiful, breast cancer, breast cancer awareness, Terri Shaver, The Oldham Project
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