Battling Twice....   |   Friday, October 29, 2010

Most people would agree that young people shouldn't have to deal with cancer... agreed? Not only is Jessica A. fighting Hodgkin's Lymphoma, but she's also fought a devastating kidney disease for the past 3 years. Related? Not sure, but the fight is.
Diagnosed with an unusual nephrotic syndrome 3 years ago, it left her upended and ill, BUT, making her much more aware of her body and potential problems. So, when she found an unusual lump in her neck this past summer, she immediately took action and was diagnosed with the Lymphoma. She says, "Cancer hasn't upended my life, but kidney disease has." Can you only imagine what she must go through with the kidney issues, that she basically says the cancer is easier? Her WHOLE life must revolve around what she eats, what she drinks, weight gain or loss, numerous medications and constant lab tests to make sure her kidney's are functioning as well as possible. That compared to a weekly chemo treatment, must seem easier to her.... but how unfair that a 29 year old should be so consumed with illness?
BUT, the silver lining here is that she's an amazingly strong and independent young woman with a career and goals. "You must rely on yourself and be your own advocate. Educate yourself. Doctors don't know EVERYTHING, so you have to find the right one for you." She speaks very highly of her oncologist and nephrologist. She's surrounded by a loving family and she's got a great prognosis.... I suspect that she'll beat this.... she's strong, educated and able.... and she hasn't let both of these diseases get her down. Her smile lights the room!

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Shop to help The Oldham Project!!   |   Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Oldham Project and "Be Bold, Feel Beautiful" is partnering with Lucy Grey to raise money for our January event. Please see her website for Christmas shopping ideas for the girly girls in your life. We will receive a portion of the proceeds from anything purchased. Please take note of the deadlines for Christmas gift giving so you can make sure to receive them in time!

The purses are unique and quite lovely and will help go towards the event expenses!

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A bit of a time away!   |   Friday, October 22, 2010

I'll be away on a bit of a vacation with my handsome hubby and won't have internet access to blog while I'm gone.
See you next week!


Why NOT me?   |   Thursday, October 21, 2010

At 81, Mary B. is our oldest participant in Be Bold, Feel Beautiful and is quick to add, "Age is NOT a number, it's a state of mind!"

When Mary had her son Davey, 47 years ago and who is profoundly handicapped, she could have had a pity party, gotten bitter or harbored anger.... but she said she had a "very accepting attitude" and her mantra was, "Why NOT me? What's so special about me?" Most would be asking, Why me? What did I do to deserve this? But not Mary. She readily admits that as a child and a young person, she wasn't patient, in fact described herself as "VERY impatient"..... and she's convinced that Davey was sent into her life to teach her patience.
Life immediately changed and required continual patience, at every turn. She's learned to choose her battles.

This attitude, refined over many years of caring for Davey and all the challenges that accompany him, has now carried her through two bouts of Breast Cancer. First diagnosed in 1991, had surgery, she fought, and had been cancer free till last fall, when it reared it ugly head again. Again, Mary uses her positive attitude and the wisdom that only comes with being 81 years old.....
Using only surgical intervention this time, Mary is choosing not to try chemo and enjoy the time she has left. "I take one day at a time and don't go down paths that I don't have to... I will cross a bridge when I come to it, and not before. Worry accomplishes nothing. If you accept something in the right spirit, you won't get bitter. You just handle things as they come along."

Mary is the picture of grace, elegance and refinement. She's gentle, soft spoken and exudes such peace. Obviously, a result of her attitude about life.... and now death.

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Sidetracked for just a season...   |   Wednesday, October 20, 2010

In the late summer and early fall, most people this age are preparing to attend the college of their choice, designing and packing for a dorm room and dreaming about starting a life away from the security of home and thinking about a future career. BUT, that wasn't the plan for Kristina D. She was unintentionally sidetracked from that plan by cancer. This shouldn't be happening to people who are only 20 years old!!

She was on her way to Northern Michigan University to study nursing... she should be the care giver, not the recipient of medical care....

But, with her infectious smile and joyous spirit, she optimistically looks at her "delayed" attendance and hopefully starting in January, after completing her treatment for dysgermanoma.... a reproductive organ cancer, much like the testicular cancer that Lance Armstrong was sidelined with.... only this is the female version. VERY treatable with an excellent prognosis. Being the third generation in her family to fight cancer, her mother and grandmother have rallied to her side to support and encourage her through this battle. She says, "my family and friends have been so supportive." She relies much more on her faith, now and for her future, as a parent... with more obstacles to come due to this cancer... but something tells me, she'll keep smiling through that too.

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Participating in miracles....   |   Monday, October 18, 2010

Not many people will ever witness a miracle...let alone be a part of some....

miracle |ˈmirikəl|
a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.
• a highly improbable or extraordinary event, development, or accomplishment that brings very welcome consequences.

Judy E. is a walking miracle. Literally.

After being diagnosed with extensive pancreatic cancer in 2006 and having 60% of her pancreas removed, she was given only 1 year to live, at best. She's had 13 liver tumors, is now an insulin dependent diabetic and has undergone lots of experimental treatment options, but is still fighting. She says, "I come from a long line of fighters. My outcome isn't good, but until I decide I don't want to continue anymore, here I am! God doesn't give us anymore than we can handle."

A miracle.

And she's participated in a miracle. Literally, or at least her hand did. She's NEVER drawn anything in her life, but one day, she said she felt 'inspired' to pick up a rugged, carpenters pencil and found a piece of cotton fabric. In the span of three hours, she drew this rendering of Christ on the fabric..."as if someone else was moving my hand. I couldn't put it down." It's almost life-like and the eyes 'see' you as you look at it....

A miracle.

Judy is a miracle. She's full of life, despite the cancer that threatens her life daily. "Cancer is just a word. There is another miracle waiting for me."

I don't doubt it.

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"Bless the Space Between Us"....   |   Thursday, October 14, 2010

Carolyn T. read the Lansing State Journal article about this project and immediately took off her wig! Even before being photographed!! She said she was afraid and fearful about doing it, but the response was very positive! She's kept her positive attitude from the minute she was diagnosed with Stage 2, Lobular Breast Cancer. Being her own advocate, she demanded an ultrasound after the initial diagnosis was negative... but she was correct. I've learned that lobular cancers aren't easy to detect and feel much like 'fibrous' breasts, with generic thicknesses. ONLY the ultrasound was able to pick it up! She was proactive and it helped with very early detection!
Carolyn is full of courage... and relied on a book by John O'Donohue called, "Bless the Space Between Us." and a particular poem she read with each chemo treatment. It meant everything to her.... even when she felt her worst, this poem and her adopted dog, Shatzi, got her out of bed each day. She never missed a day walking Shatzi. Between this faithful dog and her faithful family, she always had someone at her side during her treatment, with one of her 3 grown children or her sister always accompanying her to chemo.
This is the poem that meant so much to her.... maybe it will speak to you as well. It offered her courage.

For Courage

When the light around you lessens
And your thoughts darken until
Your body feels fear turn
Cold as a stone inside,

When you find yourself bereft
Of any belief in yourself
And all you unknowingly
Leaned on has fallen,

When one voice commands
Your whole heart,
And it is raven dark,

Steady yourself and see
That it is your own thinking
That darkens your world,

Search and you will find
A diamond-thought of light,

Know that you are not alone
And that this darkness has purpose;
Gradually it will school your eyes
To find the one gift your life requires
Hidden within this night-corner.

Invoke the learning
Of every suffering
You have suffered.

Close your eyes.
Gather all the kindling
About your heart
To create one spark.
That is all you need
To nourish the flame
That will cleanse the dark
Of its weight of festered fear.

A new confidence will come alive
To urge you toward higher ground
Where your imagination
Will learn to engage difficulty
As its most rewarding threshold!

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Big Announcement!! Launching new program!   |   Wednesday, October 13, 2010

As we begin to wind down the Be Bold, Feel Beautiful campaign for this year... I began to have a conversation with a couple of our Board members and my family about what they felt we should be doing next with The Oldham Project... little did I know that our answer would come so quickly!
I actually had prayed one morning about what God would have us do.... then, that very day, I got a call from a woman who saw the article in NOISE magazine about Bold and Beautiful. She said, "I know that you're photographing women with cancer and bald heads, but I have an 8 year old with a brain tumor and I'd love to have her photographed. Is that possible?"

Well, I took that as the affirmation of what we were supposed to do next! And, I'm pleased to announce that in April 2011, we will launch our first annual "Kourageous Kids" program. If you know of any children that we might be able to photograph before then, we'll need some images to develop our marketing materials for this program. Please refer them to us using our contact information below!

And lastly today, I'm thrilled to announce that three of our beauties are currently up on a billboard in South Lansing. Adams Outdoor has generously donated space on the digital board at S. Cedar and 496. Congratulations to Heather A., Sally N. and Elizabeth T. who are now 50 feet tall, looking very Bold and Beautiful!! In the weeks to come, as space becomes available, we will have more women appear on boards at Pennsylvania and 496 and the Frandor digital board!! Thank you Adams Outdoor and Jason V. who has been working with us. Brandon J. is an amazing designer and did a fabulous job with the layout!

I'll be back tomorrow with more Bold and Beautiful women! We still have over a dozen to feature!!

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Caught in a Catch-22.   |   Tuesday, October 12, 2010

You'd think after 23 surgeries to fight the lymphoma that threatens her life, that she'd loose count, that she'd feel discouraged and you might think she'd give up...but, Lynette (Lynn) is a fighter. She's battling two different types of lymphoma with no cure available, but she keeps fighting.
Her husband Paul says, "No matter how frustrating or how bleak the day looks, you get up, put one foot in front of the other and try to live the life you did before cancer."

Starting years ago as Melanoma, she's now battling non-Hodgkins and Hodgkins lymphoma's and is classified as Stage 4. She's caught in a catch-22.... She can only take half the recommended chemo to combat the cancer. Her blood counts fall below tolerable levels from the chemo, so they have to back off. But then the cancer advances and the need increases for more chemo and then the white counts fall further.... Catch-22.
"The hardest part", she says, "is that there is no cure and they can't seem to control it now. But, the sun comes up every morning and we start all over." Paul, reaches over to hold her hand as she tears up during our interview after her photo session...."We'll get through this. I love her more than the day I married her."
THAT is not a Catch-22.... that is love, that is commitment.

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Finding herself....   |   Monday, October 11, 2010

Occasionally we go through trials and we learn something... some THING or something about ourselves. Roberta is a victims advocate by profession, but has become another sort of 'victim's advocate' since discovering a lump in her breast. Saying finding the lump and discovering it was cancerous, was the 'biggest surprise.' She's usually standing up and defending others and now she needed to become the advocate for herself. She said she's had 'remarkable support' from those around her, including a co-worker who also shaved her head when Roberta's hair fell out. She wants to now spend her time reaching out to other women who are undergoing treatment for various cancers. Married a short 10 years to her loving husband Randy, she says, "I take nothing for granted, not my husband, my home....nothing."
I think she's learned a lot about herself and her cancer. Stay informed. Stay in touch, literally, with your body. As we enter October, Breast Cancer Awareness month, remain an advocate for yourself. Be aware of changes in your body. As I saw a poster this week for this months campaign, it said, "COP A FEEL, Know your girls!"

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Surviving on faith....   |   Friday, October 8, 2010

Sometimes faith is all we have.
faith |fāθ|
1. complete trust or confidence in someone or something : this restores one's faith in politicians.
2. strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.
• a system of religious belief : the Christian faith.
• a strongly held belief or theory : the faith that life will expand until it fills the universe.

After waiting a year after finding her lump, Addie J., finally went to the Dr. to investigate.... (sometimes faith is all we have to hang on to).
She was given the diagnosis of Stage 4 Breast Cancer, and her faith still remained.
Regardless of the "proof" of a biopsy, she still hangs onto her faith and her family. She says, "This has totally changed my life. I look at things totally different. Besides my family, I only have God to hang on to." Sometimes faith is all we have and reaching out to a God we can't see our touch, but still believe in and believe He will help us.
That's what faith is, believing in something we can't see or touch. An object of belief. The promises of God. Word or honor pledged. Trust in God's character, belief in His testimony and entire reliance on His healing.
Sometimes faith is all we have.

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Enough is enough...   |   Monday, October 4, 2010

Sometimes we just go through so much, either physically, emotionally or mentally... we're just under it for so long and then we just get fed up and say, "Enough is enough. I QUIT." I've been there, I'm sure you have too... but probably not under the same circumstances that 73 year old LaVone has...
Diagnosed in the fall of 2009 with Stage 3-4 Colon cancer, LaVone endured chemotherapy for one round of treatment, but the side effects were so devastating for her, that she chose to discontinue treatment all together. She says, "Chemo was really hard for me, so the day's in-between had to be productive. I just kept thinking that tomorrow would be better." I'm sure making that decision was the most difficult decision she ever had to make. Coming from a huge family of 11 children, she always had family around and was probably never alone. But now, she finds herself pretty alone, with few friends and no family close by for support. I sense a 'lost' feeling as she looks far off.... missing her daughter and grandchildren who live far away.
As she cuddles the custom made stuffed bear her grandchildren made for her, she gets teary as she talks about them and wishing she could see them more. I'm almost sure that as she approaches the final season of her life, she wishes she could fill her life with the laughter and chaos that 11 children must have filled her home growing up. She has a sweet smile and also says that "laughter helps... I try to find reasons to laugh."
Are you missing someone today? Is there someone missing you? Make the effort to reach out across the miles, whether big or small, and make someone smile today. Fill someones day with laughter. Show someone that you love them... whether we have cancer or not, we have no guarantees that we'll get a tomorrow.

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Be Proactive, Be Strong...   |   Friday, October 1, 2010

Education....we're educated from the time we're born, we are read to, sent to school and most times, off to college. We read, we study and we take tests; sometimes we pass, sometimes we fail, but through all of it, we learn something. Sometimes, it not necessarily what we set out to learn. Sometimes we learn something by accident or information that wasn't our original destination.
Colleen W. studies....she's been studying since her oldest sister was diagnosed with Stage 4 ovarian cancer and then later the same year, with breast cancer. Learning about the BRCA gene mutations and being tested herself, Colleen decided to proactively have a hysterectomy, thinking she was educated and armed with information, she could intercept this "thing" and avoid her sister's experience.
BUT, when the pathology report came back, Colleen learned that she hadn't actually intercepted the cancer, it was already there and she began the fight of her life. Moving from New Mexico during her chemo, she felt "isolated and alone". Entrusting your treatment to a new cancer center and new oncologists, is a brave move. But, armed with information, she felt powerful and in charge. Now, on the other side of chemo, she's facing new decisions regarding her care and treatment... again, arming herself with information, she's making proactive decisions about the next step. Her words ring in my head, "Arm yourself with information, because information is power. When you have that kind of power, it is possible to what is necessary to keep yourself healthy and cancer free. Be proactive, be strong." In learning about her sister's cancer, Colleen discovered she had it too, but she's being proactive, still studying, still learning about HER cancer and how to aggressively fight it.
As a personal trainer, I'm sure that she'll use all of this experience to help other women she encounters, to educate those around her about her journey through cancer. "After being through it, it's not fun, but you can get through it. It's wonderful to be done." She's gorgeous on the inside and out... beaming energy and joy at being on the other side of this battle. You can see it on her face!

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