Cancer is an emotional journey....
Saturday, July 31, 2010

I thought that today, I'd share a story directly from this woman. She's BRAVE and participating in this project was huge for her. I couldn't say anything that would mean more than her own words.
"Cancer has been an emotional journey for me. The goodness in people is truly life affirming. I am filled with gratitude for my friends, family, co-workers/employer and medical team(s). They have been supportive, caring, giving and absolutely wonderful. My husband, John, has been my ROCK! The emotions we have shared on this journey have brought us even closer.
The photo session today was a huge step for me as I'm typically a very private person. On this journey, I have received so much love from everyone and cam to the conclusion that in order to really accept it and give it back, I had to open myself up some. For me this picture was a way to complete that opening up. This is who I am right now, this is me fighting cancer. I will win this fight, I will survive and I will go on with my life a much stronger and better person as a result of it. Thank you for doing this. You are making a difference and that's a wonderful thing." ~ Susanne M.I couldn't have said anything more poignant than that. I'm so thankful that Susanne was BOLD enough to feel BEAUTIFUL! She's an amazingly sensitive and caring woman. We had a great time together and isn't she gorgeous???!!!
Labels: bald woman, bald women, Be Bold Feel Beautiful, breast cancer, breast cancer awareness, The Oldham Project
Help me focus my energy...
Friday, July 30, 2010

As this project progresses, with more calls come every day, and things getting so busy, I pray I never loose sight of the mission of this organization and our purpose with this 'Be Bold, Feel Beautiful' project. Lord, help me to remain focused on these lovely, determined women and their stories, and not get consumed with the details of each day... the shooting, the retouching and getting these images into their hands as quickly as possible. I want to daily remember to take the time to get to know each and every one of them and understand their journey and listen to their hearts. They each are dealing with cancer in a different, but similar way... courage, bravery and determination. Help me to serve them to the best of my ability. Amen.
Pat H. is a lively sprite with a colorful personality and a cute giggle. Even though she appeared to be reluctant to participate in this project, she left a believer in what we were trying to accomplish and I think, felt really good about her images. She had such a huge smile, that when she really let it rip, her beautiful eyes disappeared! She was so much fun and her friend that came with her was such an encouragement to her, that she couldn't help feel good about herself! Doesn't she look amazing in the purple?? If you're reading this and know someone that might be interested, but won't come alone, please come with them and cheer them on in this journey of discovering just how gorgeous they are...inside and out!
Labels: bald woman, bald women, Be Bold Feel Beautiful, breast cancer, breast cancer awareness, The Oldham Project
Fighting cancer....literally.
Thursday, July 29, 2010

We've now either scheduled or already photographed over 20 women for this project! I couldn't be happier! As the word spreads, more and more individuals and businesses are getting involved. If you'd like to participate in any way, please contact me at the email below.
Karen B. is battling cancer....literally. Her weapons are many... her positive outlook, her desire to stay active and her love of golf.
When she was diagnosed, she was determined to stay active and continue to golf on her golf league. She got herself some pink golf balls, "for breast cancer" and took her clubs; along with her dynamic and cheerful personality and in a physical way, fought the effects of cancer and chemotherapy. She says, "I didn't always feel the best, but I was going to continue to golf." She wasn't going to let cancer defeat her, define her or limit her. "When I was told, it was scary. But I don't feel sorry for myself. My prognosis is good and it's all about attitude." She is a tiny, fireball of energy and is fighting with what she knows best... staying active and remaining positive. It truly is all about attitude!
Labels: bald woman, bald women, Be Bold Feel Beautiful, breast cancer, breast cancer awareness, The Oldham Project
Gratefulness.... a lost character trait.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I confess that I don't consciously think about gratefulness on a daily basis... sometimes it hits me square in the face though. God has a way of doing that. SMACK, right between the eyes. I'm learning though, through this project. These women are thankful for so much... today's bold, brave and beautiful woman said that her cancer has taught her to be grateful for everything... and she purposes every day to think of 5 things that she's thankful for... even if it's, "I'm not AS sick today", or "I've only thrown up 3 times today." Imagine that... being thankful that you only threw up 3 times, instead of 6? That's a positive attitude!
She and her gorgeous daughters came into the studio along with her sister... we had a great time. She's the most bright eyed, gorgeous woman! We laughed and shed a couple tears. We shared about our faith and this journey through life. I'm touched beyond measure by these brave women. Thank you Sally! Imagine where our lives can go if we look for 5 positive things each day? I challenge you...find 5 today, and tomorrow and the next day!
Labels: bald woman, bald women, Be Bold Feel Beautiful, breast cancer, breast cancer awareness, The Oldham Project
It's all about ATTITUDE...
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I've been reading a book that a friend wrote and am daily dumbstruck at what the human spirit can endure. Currently in the book she is afflicted with a crippling physical illness, has endured the tragic deaths of two of her beloved caregivers, begins to see the effects of a debilitating neurological disease and somehow, someway, she continues to find something positive to keep her moving forward. Knowing her now, some 20 years after this chapter of the book took place, she's still here, successful, mobile and remains positive... still, in the midst of continued physical challenges, finds something each day that's good to focus on and continues to have a sense of humor. Oh how I wish I had more of that!
I see these women come to the studio each day, motivated by nothing but helping a fellow woman who is going through the same battle. They remain positive, cheerful and encouraging. They don't have any idea of how much they impart to me through their attitudes, their laughs and determination. Is there something about women, banding together when things get tough to help each other not only fight, but survive and come out better on the other side. Is this a female phenomenon?
I look forward to this week.... another 8 brave women are scheduled to come in and show off their bald heads... different cancers, different ages, different shapes... but I'm sure there will be one thread in common. Attitude.
Labels: bald woman, bald women, Be Bold Feel Beautiful, breast cancer, breast cancer awareness, The Oldham Project
Determination... through the fire.
Monday, July 26, 2010

Everyone has something that motivates them. Everyone has someone that inspires them. Everyone needs something to help them through tough times...
Denise W. made a conscious decision to keep moving through her cancer diagnosis and chemotherapy. She knew if she didn't keep moving, the cancer would get the better of her, so she got out her walking shoes and started walking.... she continues to walk to feel better during this tough time. It's one of the things that has gotten her out, kept her mobile and has taken her mind off what's going on...
We all need something or someone to help us in difficult times. What is it for you? I'm hearing all sorts of stories from these women about the people and the things that help them through this... I'd love to hear what you rely on when times get rough?
She's an amazingly positive and upbeat woman who isn't letting cancer get her down... as she continues to put more miles on those shoes! Keep it up Denise!
Labels: bald woman, bald women, Be Bold Feel Beautiful, breast cancer, breast cancer awareness, The Oldham Project
The love of sisters...
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Despite childhood disagreements and fights over toys, clothes and then boyfriends, the bonds between sisters is rarely broken. Some of us have friends in our lives that are as close as fact, the line is so fuzzy that you might not know they are sisters. They sometimes even look alike and I'm so thankful that I have those women in my life. Should I ever have to endure a fight like this, I KNOW that they will be right there beside me, carrying me through the fire. You know who you are and I thank you for being in my life and I love you.
These 'real' sisters have had battles of another sort together... fighting and caring for one another through cancers. Denise W. is fighting breast cancer currently and her sister Barb has been battling brain cancer/tumors for several years, enduring three brain surgeries. I could see the love and care for one another evident in their words and their actions. I can't imagine what they would do without each other.
If this project has taught me anything, it's the power of 'more'. The more positive, loving people you surround yourself with, the easier it is to be positive. The more positive and optimistic people you hang with, the easier it is to see the good in something. The more upbeat and cheerful attitudes to choose to be around, the more cheerful you'll become. The more you pour yourself into someone and something else, the easier it is to take your eyes off yourself and make someone else's world better.
Thank you ladies for being part of this project and this journey.
Labels: The Oldham Project
A little help from my friends....
Saturday, July 24, 2010

The line from a popular song, "a little help from my friends" rings so true today.... What would we do without friends? Sometimes friends are closer to us than family. These friends rallied together to create a little party at the studio. Celebrating their successes in battling cancer, they all came together to rejoice with photos. Stacy C. is a breast cancer survivor who has such a POSITIVE attitude about the disease, the process and her recovery. I'm sure that attitude has so much to do with survival and recovery. These three women obviously care about each other a lot! Lisa P. didn't have to do chemo and obviously didn't loose her beautiful long hair, but you can see that she certainly carries a burden for her dear friend who did. They made me laugh at their casual attitudes about the "girls" and this time in their lives. I'm sure they'll be happy to be on the other side of this battle! Thanks ladies... you made my day!
Labels: bald woman, bald women, Be Bold Feel Beautiful, breast cancer, breast cancer awareness, The Oldham Project
A new partner and a very emotional day....
Friday, July 23, 2010

We had a very emotional day in the studio yesterday... a new brave woman, Kimm G. came to the studio to visually tell her story of cancer... diagnosed just a few short months ago, she's fighting a literal battle for her life. "Cancer sucks", she says, but she's not letting it stop her from living her life. She's passionate about her family and helping her adult children through some tough times. I'm sure this keeps her going! As a mother, we're always looking out for our kids, no matter how old they are. Kimm and her husband snuggled and helped to create some amazing images that I'm sure her family will cherish for generations to come! Thank you Kimm for being so Bold, so Brave.... I hope you feel so Beautiful!
Also, I'm so happy to announce that Kevin Wheat at
Wheat Jewelers in Okemos is now partnering with us in this project!! He will be donating a gorgeous "United Heart" necklace ( to one lucky woman that participates in this photo project. Please visit his store and see them for yourselves.... they are gorgeous and specially designed for women suffering from breast cancers with a specially designed closure. He's also going to loan the studio several necklaces for women to wear when being photographed! Thank you Kevin!!
Labels: bald woman, bald women, Be Bold Feel Beautiful, breast cancer, breast cancer awareness, The Oldham Project
So many women....
Thursday, July 22, 2010

I'm amazed every time the phone rings that there are so many women in our area who are suffering from cancers... they are in out midst every day, and we know nothing of their battles and sufferings. BUT, I'm so encouraged... as we talk, I see such bravery and courage and sometimes, even the funniest sense of humor. Some are bringing items to their session that have helped them through their battle; their golf club, their Bible, their best friend, their little girls.
We've scheduled 13 women for the next couple weeks for appointments to be photographed! 13 more BOLD, BRAVE and BEAUTIFUL women, who are more interested in "helping someone else" get through this. That's the comment I hear most.... "If this will help someone else, then I'll do it." How courageous! How giving... at a time when they should be taking care of themselves. It's only when we take our eyes off ourselves, that we can see the needs of others.
"What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world, remains and is immortal." ~ Albert Pine
Labels: bald woman, bald women, Be Bold Feel Beautiful, breast cancer, breast cancer awareness, The Oldham Project
Enduring friendships...
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I'm so blessed to have so many wonderful friends... no, not just friends, more like sisters.. kindred spirits that love me unconditionally, love me without reserve or judgement, and love me more than family. And these are two women like that... a friendship develops over the years, sharing hearts, dreams and hurts.... and then before you know it, you begin to think alike, hurt for each other and love without question. When one is sick and hurting, the other feels for her. I was honored to be part of this special relationship and be able to capture just a bit of this for history. Someday, Sydney will see just how dedicated a friend her mother was. I KNOW that should a similar fate befall me, I'll have people in my life that will be here to hold me, encourage me and love me through the tough parts. Is there someone in your life today that you need to call or reach out to? Is there someone that needs you today?
Labels: bald woman, bald women, Be Bold Feel Beautiful, breast cancer, breast cancer awareness, The Oldham Project
A warrior angel....
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I was moved to tears today to photograph a very courageous woman and her dear friend....maybe it was the music in the studio, maybe it was the mood, or maybe it was the obvious care these two women have for each other? I truly was moved to tears. What a privilege and honor to share this moment in time with so many brave women. We've received 11 calls since the article appeared in the State Journal just two days ago! Word is traveling and appointments being scheduled. Women who are normally very shy and reserved, stepping up, being BOLD, being so BRAVE as to take their wigs off to inspire and empower other women by being photographed. More photos to come, but I couldn't wait to share this one from today.
Labels: bald woman, bald women, Be Bold Feel Beautiful, breast cancer, breast cancer awareness, The Oldham Project
A new logo... a fresh look for Be Bold, Feel Beautiful!

Things are moving along with the project and we received a half dozen calls yesterday... after the article in the Lansing State Journal! So exciting!! I want to stress that these women we photograph can have ANY kind of cancer... that was a little confusing in the article. We'll photograph ANY woman who is bald and undergoing cancer treatment!
Our new logo associated with the Be Bold, Feel Beautiful campaign has been in process since before the launch... we've just been refining it and working with Rizzi Designs to get the right feel for the mission. We want to empower women, make them feel BOLD, BRAVE and BEAUTIFUL... and we believe this image is of a bold, brave and victorious woman. Let us know what you think!
Today is going to be a difficult day... I'm photographing a woman again with her best friend. Denise A., our first brave woman to be photographed is coming back in today with her best friend Holly. Images of the two of them together will be moving... and mean so much to the two of them. We encourage you to bring your spouse, partner or significant other to be photographed. Bring something that's special to you or 'part' of you... are you a musician? An artist? A cook? Bring something that illustrates who and what you are when you're not fighting cancer.... we'll use it in some of your images. A guitar? A cookbook? A Bible?
MAKE it a great day. YOU have the CHOICE to be a warrior or a victim.
Labels: bald woman, bald women, Be Bold Feel Beautiful, breast cancer, breast cancer awareness, The Oldham Project
Cancer awareness in a visual form...
Monday, July 19, 2010

If you didn't see the Lansing State Journal yesterday.... they ran a little 'teaser' story and request for participants for our Be Bold, Feel Beautiful project, requesting women to shed their wigs and scarves and help us promote cancer awareness in a very VISUAL way. Seeing the beautiful faces of these women moves me in a way that I've never experienced before. I hope that others will consider letting themselves be photographed in this BOLD way! I'm very excited about the things that are happening behind the scenes.... partners, marketing and planning for a big PARTY at the end of this to honor these brave and beautiful women.
Please consider sharing this project with anyone you never know who might know someone willing to help others!
Labels: bald woman, bald women, Be Bold Feel Beautiful, breast cancer, breast cancer awareness, The Oldham Project
New partners and exciting news...
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Just got information late yesterday that Mr. TJ Duckett would like to partner with us to help in some way... he has a personal interest in our mission and I can't wait to meet with him and discuss how we might mesh our interests!
Also, getting such a positive response from a local billboard company about hosting our images throughout the month of October... negotiations will start soon to determine how many, what kinds and how images will appear! This is exciting news for The Oldham Project!!
Yesterday, a dear friend of mine, Jackie P. came to the studio to assist with a session with a wonderful woman and her husband... we were able to create some touching and memorable images that I'll be sharing over the next few days and weeks! Denise A. (featured in our initial blog post) wanted to have some portraits with her husband of 20 years.... you can see the love and affection in their images! Cancer affects everyone in a life, not just the patient. Take time each day to tell those around you that you love them, appreciate them and then cherish every minute together.
Labels: bald woman, bald women, Be Bold Feel Beautiful, breast cancer, breast cancer awareness, cancer, The Oldham Project
Thank you to our new supporters of The Oldham Project!
Friday, July 16, 2010
OK, a banner day for The Oldham Project and Be Bold, Feel Beautiful!! Approximately 1000 postcards distributed at many locations throughout the Lansing Area... do you see your name here? Learn who our close friends and supporters are!
Susan G. Komen for the Cure/Mid-Michigan offices- Okemos
Wheat Jewelers- Okemos
Shear Reflections hair salon- Haslett
Summit Bank- East Lansing
Technology Innovation Center- East Lansing
Douglas J Spa/Institute- Okemos and East Lansing
KI Technology- East Lansing
October Moon-Old Town Lansing
Grace Old Town Boutique-Old Town Lansing
Such Media- Old Town Lansing
Here You Go Audio Books- Okemos
Elegant Wigs- Lansing
Threadbear Fiber Arts- Lansing
Thank you for hosting our postcards and promoting our mission!
Labels: The Oldham Project
Breast cancer, ovarian cancer, awareness....

Jocelyn inspired me with such positive thoughts as we talked throughout her session... Positive talk was her mantra as she went from the day of diagnosis through chemo, which just finished a few short weeks ago. How different our lives would be if WE, who aren't going through such a devastating disease and treatment, would think more positively? How different life would look if we looked for the positive things in each day and how much differently people would treat each other if we looked for the positive in others?
She CHOSE to verbalize the positive things in her life.... her husband, her children and her grandchildren, and talked through fighting for them. She refused to be a victim and to let this immobilize her and her thoughts.
Oh, how different life would be if more people chose to NOT be victims, but to stand up, be bold and be brave. Just look at how that inner beauty shines through in her lovely face!
Labels: The Oldham Project
Another Bold, Brave and Beautiful woman....
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Today, I met Jocelyn H.....another very brave woman. She just finished chemotherapy a few weeks ago and has the most precious little fuzz growing back! She says, "It's feeling softer and it's a bit darker than when it fell out." A mother of 3 grown children and 6 grandchildren, she has relied tremendously on the support of her family throughout this ordeal. More photos and story to follow...
Labels: bald woman, bald women, breast cancer, breast cancer awareness, The Oldham Project
Breast Cancer, Divine Intervention and new Friends...
The most AMAZING thing happened yesterday, that it actually made me laugh out loud...Some people call this coincidence, I see it as God's hand on this project.
I read about a new program that the American Cancer Society was doing for women who were undergoing cancer treatments... to pamper them and help them learn to be their most beautiful, while bald. A "perfect match" I thought for "Be Bold, Feel Beautiful", I immediately tried to reach someone with the number in the paper. Turns out, it was just the person 'hosting' the event, not organizing. She referred me to someone else, where I left several messages with no response. I finally, just this week, sent a long email to the Cancer Society, telling them who I was and what I wanted (just to leave our marketing postcards at their events). Received a long form letter back with basically an application to partner with them... lots of red tape, etc. SO, I decided to just give up on this opportunity.
I also have been needed some additional furniture for the new studio space, so had been searching Craig's list for chairs. Found a lovely chair yesterday and called to arrange to see it and pick it up late yesterday. As I carried the chair out to the car, I told the young woman that it was going to a good home and what we did there. I asked if she knew any bald women going through treatment.... she replied, "Well, up until last week, I worked at the American Cancer Society." I immediately said, "I've been trying to reach a woman there named Lauren for the past several weeks and haven't gotten a response. Do you know her?" She looked at me dumbfounded and said, "I'M LAUREN." I almost laughed out loud. The very person I'd been trying to reach for the past almost month, was standing right in front of me!! And all because of a random chair that I'd picked out on Craig's List!!! She explained that over the past several weeks, things were in disarray, I must have gotten lost in the shuffle of her leaving her job and the new person coming in to replace her. She immediately gave me the name and email of the person who replaced her and said she'd call to introduce me ahead of time! WOW, doesn't God work in mysterious ways?? This is the most bizarre circumstance I've EVER experienced!! How about you?? Do you have one of these stories??
My point today is that you never know how Divine forces are working in and on your behalf.... I KNOW that my God is blessing this endeavor. I just have to remain diligent in watching and obeying. Tell me your stories.... I'd love to hear about God working in other's lives!
Labels: Be Bold Feel Beautiful, breast cancer, breast cancer awareness, God, The Oldham Project
Life is brief....
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

So sad to learn last night that two of the women we'd talked about photographing for this project are no longer with us...both left us during the past week....
Life for me personally has such an urgency... a need to take it all in, to make the most of every day, to give all I can to everything I is brief.
I would encourage you to keep your eyes open for every opportunity in your day to day routine to brighten someone else's life, to put a smile on someone you meet, to give when you ordinarily look the other way. We don't need to look very far to see that someone else always has it worse than ourselves.... if we truly look at what we have, there is always someone with less.
Life is brief and time is a thief. I look forward to giving more women the opportunity to see themselves as so very Beautiful.
Labels: The Oldham Project
Facing the challenge....
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Each and every day, from the day you find the lump or the day you're diagnosed, you face a challenge.... fear, uncertainty, loss, change.... but it helps to know you are not alone. Together we can bring awareness to all the aspects of cancer in women. Learn from each other, share with each other....learn together.
Consider sharing your story in a visual way. Be Bold. Be Brave and Feel Beautiful.
Labels: The Oldham Project
A new day....
Monday, July 12, 2010

Today begins a new day.... a new day of hope, a new day to share love and a new day to show a woman exactly how beautiful she is....
We have a new "client" coming into the studio today. I'm excited to try a new background out and maybe a fun scarf or two! Anything to make this woman feel her absolute best! I hope she's as excited as I am to share her life with other women in our community. Little does she know how much difference she might make in the life of another person. That is truly where satisfaction comes serving others. It's only when we take our eyes off ourselves and our own problems and focus on the needs of another, that we feel good.
Labels: The Oldham Project
Have Courage....
Sunday, July 11, 2010
"Courage is at the foundation of every tool for handling adversity in life. Adversity will always be present, but what your life will be depends on what you do with adversity." by my friend Lisa Gigliotti.
Labels: The Oldham Project
Find your voice!
Saturday, July 10, 2010

As cancer and cancer treatments consume you physically and mentally, we want to help you "find your voice." You can be a "changer" in the lives of other women in this community! As we photograph women for this project, I'm seeing a variety of attitudes towards cancer and the loss of hair to chemotherapy.....and want all the women to be victorious... not only against the cancer, but societal attitudes towards cancer! I want women to feel comfortable out and about in the community WITHOUT wigs and scarves! Find your voice and make a statement... YOU ARE POWERFUL, YOU ARE BRAVE AND YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!
Labels: bald women, breast cancer, breast cancer awareness, cancer, susan g. komen, The Oldham Project
Calls coming in....
Friday, July 9, 2010

Somehow it's difficult to be excited about the calls and interest we're getting for "Be Bold, Feel Beautiful".... it just means that there are sick women out there, struggling with cancer. BUT, I know that we can bring awareness to cancer, breast cancer in particular in a different, visual way.
Maybe, somehow through these pictures, we'll make another woman feel comfortable with the idea of being bald.... not afraid of the treatment of cancer.... and another woman will get her yearly mammogram, not fearing what might happen if something is found? I know it's a 'roundabout' way to bring awareness, but I think it will work.
Did an interview yesterday with a writer from the State Journal/Community Newspapers... an article will run soon, not sure when, but I'll share the link when it runs. Also, scheduled more women for appointments for next week.... Keep the calls coming!
Labels: The Oldham Project
An exciting day ahead....
Thursday, July 8, 2010
After yesterday's publicity.... announcements on two TV stations and a radio interview, I received a call from a writer from the Lansing State Journal and she wanted to set up an appointment for as soon as possible to put together a story about 'Be Bold, Feel Beautiful', so, we are meeting at the EL Studio today! Not sure what kind of story, but anything that can promote this project and get the word out is worth it. I want to reach as many women as quickly as possible to get this project underway.... a couple of inquiries came into the website last night, so we're moving...slow, but sure. If you know any woman who is currently undergoing ANY cancer treatment, please let her know that we exist.
There are so many women in our midst who are struggling with cancer, their self image and the loss of their hair! Face it, we women are all about our hair! But, I want women to know that despite the loss, they are amazingly beautiful and shouldn't be afraid to show it off! It will only encourage and bring others out from under their wigs and scarves! I'll create emotional and moving images of them to showcase their particular beauty!
Labels: The Oldham Project
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Our very first BRAVE woman to be photographed for the "Be Bold, Feel Beautiful" project was hospitalized at the time of her session, but was eager to help us get this project off the ground. Denise A., a 10 year cancer patient, has recently had a recurrence of her cancer and is currently undergoing radiation. She has amazing spirit and isn't going to give into this disease. She's a mother and is anxious for her daughter to see these images! Thank you Denise!
Labels: The Oldham Project
Launch of Be Bold, Feel Beautiful!
On July 1, 2010- "Local cancer patients sought for 'Be Bold, Feel Beautiful' photo project.
Mid-Michigan women who have lost their hair due to cancer treatments are being asked to shed their wigs for a photography project designed to raise awareness of about the disease and the powerful women who battle it!
"We want women with cancer to step up, be bold and be photographed without their wigs and scarves to show people how very beautiful they can be," says Lansing area photographer, Terri Shaver, who founded The Oldham Project, which provides free portraits to people suffering from life threatening or terminal illnesses. "We want to illustrate the ravages of breast cancer and chemotherapy, but emphasize the courage and beauty of these women."
The Oldham Project is partnering with Susan G. Komen for the Cure/Mid-Michigan on this "Be Bold, Feel Beautiful" campaign, which hopes to photograph up to 200 women in the mid-Michigan area who are currently undergoing chemotherapy. Private sessions can be scheduled Monday through Thursdays, including Monday evenings. Douglas J. Spa is a major sponsor and is offering FREE makeup applications prior to photography sessions.
We hope to use these images throughout the month of October to promote breast cancer awareness by making these women more accepting of themselves, celebrating their courage, their beauty and encouraging others that are in the same battle for their lives.
Please call 517.256.0490 to schedule an appointment or to become a partner of The Oldham Project and Be Bold, Feel Beautiful.
Sponsorships are available and much appreciated. We'd love to be able to give each and every one of these brave women a portrait of themselves as well as honor them at a Gala at the end of the year to honor them.
Labels: The Oldham Project
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